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Digital Disruption from EX²

What does Security have to do with Digital Transformation?

By Lisa Carolan

Big data, mobile, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and other innovative technologies have given companies more ways to connect with their customers than ever before. Businesses looking to maintain or grow their market share have embraced the concept of a digital transformation to help them use new technology efficiently. However, digital transformation has driven an atmosphere of continuous delivery in which the time from concept to market must be kept to a minimum if the effort is to be successful. At the same time, security cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, many companies remain mired in traditional approaches to security, severely hampering their efforts to be the first to market. 

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Cyber Security

Why Marketing Professionals Need to Understand Cybersecurity

By Lisa Carolan

Not too long ago, most marketers viewed cybersecurity as just an IT issue. Even as breaches became more common, many companies failed to realize how interconnected the two departments were. The theft of customer data, for example, creates huge problems for marketers; if the company loses the trust of its customers, it is up to the marketing department to win it back, rebuild relationships and undermine the efforts of the competition to wield the breach as a weapon against the company. Furthermore, as the use of marketing tools increases, the number of potential vulnerabilities also increases. As a result, marketing professionals are becoming more aware of cybersecurity.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, Cyber Security

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